How to install Uncover Black
Step 01: Tap the button below to get Xookz App Store on your iPhone or iPad.
Step 02: Then it will download to the Xookz App Store on your device settings.

Step 03: In your device settings, find “Profile Download,” then enter your device password.

Step 04: Wait a bit, it will finish installing.
Step 05: Look on your home screen for the Xookz App Store icon.

Step 06: Open Xookz App Store and tap on “Unc0ver Black Edition.” Allow it to install and tap “Ok.”
Step 07: Tap “Install” and let the profile download.
Step 08: Now, in your device settings, tap on the profile, then tap “Install.” Enter your device password, tap “Install” again, and then tap “Done.”
Step 09: You’ll see the Unc0ver Dark app on the device home screen.

Step 10: Open the app and tap on “Start.”

Step 11: Unc0ver Black Edition will check if your device can use it. Tap “Continue” to move ahead.

Step 12: If it’s okay, tap “Go.”

Step 13: After it finishes, you’ll get a button to download Cydia 2. Install it, and you’ll see the Cydia 2 icon on your home screen.